Mystery shopping, also referred to as secret shopping, is both a fun and profitable way to earn some extra money. If you prefer to turn shopping into a career, you will be glad to know that virtually every industry can benefit from mystery shopping. Just take a look at some of the options awaiting your consideration. Restaurants.
Do you enjoy fast food, dining out at a fine restaurant or tasting delicious desserts? Imagine enjoying an evening without cooking or washing dishes in exchange for free food plus a paycheck. If you accept the evaluation of a restaurant as a mystery shopper, you will most likely be reimbursed for the cost of food and you will also get a paycheck. Today, the restaurant industry remains one of the top businesses that employ mystery shopping services. Movie theater. Do you love movies? How would you feel about evaluating the cleanliness of a theater or the prompt concession service? If you accept a mystery shopping job that involves evaluating a movie theater, you will likely be reimbursed for the cost of admission, concessions that you purchase in accordance with the evaluation and you will also be paid for your time.
Online. If you are an internet buff who also loves to shop, why not combine the best of both worlds, shop online and get paid to do it? If you accept a mystery shopping job that can be conducted online, you will be earning money from home with the click of a mouse. You would probably find it difficult to think of a storefront that has yet to go virtual.
These days, you can order apparel, jewelry, collectibles, movies, cars and even groceries online. With such a large part of the retail world having gone virtual, the need for online mystery shoppers is higher than ever. Retail.
Even with competitors ranging from the internet to mail-order catalogs, retail stores have always been and will always be a classic. The truth is that retail never goes out of style and, although timeless, can always use some improvement in certain areas. A business may need to hire a mystery shopper to evaluate customer service, employee performance, store layout, checkout time, etc. If there is a way to improve a store's functionality, a mystery shopper can help to identify and evaluate it. Financial institutions. How long does it take to open a bank account? Was the clerk friendly and knowledgeable throughout the process? If you can answer these simple questions, you may be perfect for mystery shopping.
Banks and other lenders remain one of the top industries known to employ mystery shoppers. You may be asked to open a bank account, request information about a loan program or other business service as part of your mystery shopping evaluation. In addition to these, there are many businesses that can and do benefit from mystery shopping services. Wherever there is customer service or the practice of buying and selling, evaluations are needed on a regular basis.
If you are able to provide an unbiased evaluation by posing as a customer and giving your written opinion about a variety of aspects, tap into the world of mystery shopping, earn money and be your own boss.
Brian Dolezal is a contributing editor for, a leading provider of independent reviews and rankings for hundreds of consumer products. You can find out how top mystery shopping programs compare by visiting today.